Tuesday, May 18, 2010

6 Months!

How in the world is my baby 1/2 a year old?

As much as I loved having a tiny baby, I'm having just as much fun with my goober now!

Things she's doing:

-Grabbing. Everything! Grocery shopping is hilarious. One of us will wear her in the ergo and as we're walking through the aisles she just hangs her arm out the side and stares at the shelves. So funny. If we pick anything up you can bet she'll have her hands all over it. =D Of course this does make things like text messaging a challenge.

-Her love of books has not waned in the least. This past Sunday during church she tried to take a bite out of her Auntie's Bible, then proceeded to scream when it was taken away. Note to self: Bring Z's book to church.

-I feel like every time I look at her, her hair is thicker. Seriously!

-She is constantly squealing with delight. Or just to make noise. Sometimes it honestly sounds like she is singing along with the radio in the car. She is cracking us up all hours of the day.

-Rolling. She first rolled over when she was 2 months old. Now she rolls to get places. She can get just about anything she wants in the living room. And this wasn't really a gradual progression. Oh no, one day she just started rolling and didn't stop. I found it quite surprising when I stepped into the other room to go pee, and came back out to find that my girl who was previously enjoying naked time on her back was now laying 3 feet away in the opposite direction on her belly. (Plus a puddle of pee...)

-We've started giving her solids following the Baby Led Weaning approach. So far she's had banana and avocado. Such fun!

-Taking regular naps. YES! We've gotten there. She now takes pretty predictable naps at 10am and 2pm. Which is pretty awesome.