I've been reading
The Five Love Languages of Children. I'm not that far into it, and it says you can't recognize a primary love language in a child under 5, but I'm fairly certain that Ziva's primary love language (for now) is quality time. She's become really good at independent play since Asher was born, but, oh how she loves to be played with. The other day I took the time to do Hello Kitty puzzle with her (100 pieces!) and she kept coming over to me and kissing me. She loves to be read to and play games. A couple of her favorites are
Hi Ho Cherry-O and
Sequence for Kids!
We went on a special date last night. Just the two of us. The pictures aren't great quality (camera phone, dark room, moving people), but you can see the joy in her face, so I thought I'd share anyway. =]
She loved it.