Monday, July 9, 2012

2nd Trimester!


So I just figured out that I'm in my 2nd trimester today.  Time is going so fast!  (For now...)  Some folks say 12 weeks, others 14, but I always heard 13w3d so I'm going with that. ;]


Loving my little bump. =]  When people see me in real life, they're all, "Hey!  You don't look as big as you do in your picture!"  I assure you that if I lifted my shirt up you would see the real thing.  I just try not to do that in public.  Why it's different to post a picture on a public blog?  I don't know.  Don't judge me.

So as far as pregnancy stuff goes...  things are going swimmingly.  I'm feeling really great most of the time.  I feel hungry more often, of course, and I get tired more easily.  Growing a baby is tough work!  Overall I'm so very thankful for how this pregnancy is going so far.  I feel absolutely blessed in so many ways.