How far along: 23 weeks!
How big is baby: Um, pretty big. But not nearly as big as he/she will get. =]
Total weight gain: We shall see on Monday.
Maternity clothes: My jeans that I wear most days are getting tighter. Especially after stuffing myself at birthday parties. I might have a couple more normal pairs in my closet that are bigger from postpartum shopping last time. ;]
Sleep: Love it.
Best moment of the week: Still just loving the movement. Baby is so dance-y.
Food cravings: Nothing related to pregnancy, everything related to it being fall.
Food aversions: Nada
Symptoms: Got a pretty lame leg cramp the other night. Luckily my hubs helped me stretch it and we put a hot rice pack on it. But, ouch!
Movement: Yesyesyes! And for the record, 2.0 is a big fan of pumpkin spice coffee, just like mama.
Gender: It's a mystery.
What I’m looking forward to: I'm excited to reach 24 weeks. (Viability.)
What I miss: Okay, bending at the waist without grunting.
Next appt: This week!
Reading: Same as last time. And of course the occasional flip through of '20,000 Names for Baby'. =]